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How to buy $STMAP ?

Do you want to acquire $STMAP, but you don't know how? Is this your first time buying SRC20 tokens? No problem, here is a detailed tutorial to help you.

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1) Create a Unisat or Leather wallet


Download the extension to your computer.
Create a new wallet.
A seed phrase (made up of 12 words) will be given to you, keep it carefully and do not reveal it to anyone, it will be used to recover your wallet.


Congratulations, your wallet is created, copy your address starting with “bc1q


Choose a Native Segwit wallet,

which starts with a “bc1q” adress


2) Fund your wallet with BTC, from an exchange or a Bitcoin purchase website

For this step, you need to send bitcoin to the wallet you just created. If you already have an account on an exchange, buy bitcoin on it and withdraw it to send it to your Native Segwit wallet address "bc1q...."

If you don't have an account on an exchange, you can create one for the occasion, or use websites like MoonPay to pay directly by credit card for example. Please note, additional charges may apply.

You will just have to enter your bitcoin address as the recipient.

3) Connect your wallet to OpenStamp or Stampscan

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You will arrive on a page with several $STMAP listings, among these listings, choose the one or ones you want to buy, depending on the $STMAP amount and the price.


Click on “Buy”.

$STMAP batch will go into "Locked" status for a few seconds, to prevent someone from buying at the same time as you, and to give you time.

Validate the transaction via the pop-up of your wallet which will open.

$STMAP batch will then change to "Processing" status, confirming that the transaction is in progress. You have nothing more to do, wait about 30 minutes, and you will see your $STMAP in the "Assets" section of OpenStamp (your tokens will not necessarily appear on your wallet, you have to log in to OpenStamp to see them).

Your transaction will also appear in the “Activities” section.


You will arrive on a page with several $STMAP listings, among these listings, choose the one or ones you want to buy, depending on the $STMAP amount and the price.


Click on “Buy”.

$STMAP batch will go into "Locked" status for a few seconds, to prevent someone from buying at the same time as you, and to give you time.

Validate the transaction via the pop-up of your wallet which will open.

You have nothing more to do, wait about 30 minutes, and you will see your $STMAP in the "Assets" section of OpenStamp (your tokens will not necessarily appear on your wallet, you have to log in to OpenStamp to see them).

Your transaction will also appear in the “Activity” section.

To help you even more, don't hesitate to check out this video tutorial, made by a member of the community: Stouy Crypto, whom we thank very much!

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